社区理念 //www.gamepadva.com/t5/community-ideas/idb-p/community-ideas 社区理念 周五,2022年12月16日02:22:56 GMT community-ideas 2022 - 12 - 16 - t02:22:56z 我的想法>>查看更多的想法应该尊重状态过滤器 //www.gamepadva.com/t5/community-ideas/my-ideas-gt-gt-view-more-ideas-should-honor-the/idi-p/1238091

My Ideas页面:

当我点击查看更多想法按钮时,状态过滤器应该被尊重。目前,这个链接只是把我带到一个页面,列出了我所有的想法。< / P >


In other words, I want to see a list of all of my ideas with a certain status. But currently, it seems like I can only see the first 6 ideas for that particular status.


周二,2022年12月6日04:12:56 GMT //www.gamepadva.com/t5/community-ideas/my-ideas-gt-gt-view-more-ideas-should-honor-the/idi-p/1238091 2022 - 12 - 06 - t04:12:56z
简单的地理处理日志报告 //www.gamepadva.com/t5/community-ideas/simple-geoprocessing-log-reports/idi-p/1233495

我在一所重点大学从事地理信息系统咨询和地理空间教育工作。在这两种情况下,虽然有些不同的场景,但如果能够打印(或保存为jpeg和/或pdf格式)任何和所有地理处理消息和历史将是一件很好的事情。在这样做的过程中,运行1个或多个地理处理工具的地理空间从业者(无论是咨询师还是学生)可以向客户(或教授)提供一份(某种类型的)报告,表明整个处理结果。我知道有一个相当简单的工作,只要采取消息和/或历史窗格的截图,所以这不是一个关键问题,但可以提供完整性的任何和所有地理处理的结果 2022年11月19日星期六01:19:37 GMT //www.gamepadva.com/t5/community-ideas/simple-geoprocessing-log-reports/idi-p/1233495 JamesArmstrong_ 2022 - 11 - 19 - t01:19:37z 新论坛:#30DayMapChallenge //www.gamepadva.com/t5/community-ideas/new-forum-30daymapchallenge/idi-p/1229250 我看到了2022年GIS日论坛,我的第一个想法是“我们在这里有论坛 ?”< / P >

I think it's nice to have topical, informal spaces for sharing and maybe a bit of showing off, too. I know it's already the 7th, but it's not too late to get folks in on the #30DayMapChallenge happening elsewhere across social media!


Or maybe if it's not for this particular event, just having a "share your cool maps" space that users could post to would be a neat way to build community outside of the typical "informal tech support" that this space is known for.

2022年11月7日星期一17:28:14 GMT时间 //www.gamepadva.com/t5/community-ideas/new-forum-30daymapchallenge/idi-p/1229250 jcarlson 2022 - 11 - 07 - t17:28:14z
在Ideas中增加用户名的空间 //www.gamepadva.com/t5/community-ideas/increase-the-space-for-user-names-in-ideas/idi-p/1227807 对于较长的用户名(例如,我的),在Ideas的帖子标题中没有足够的空间。这导致文章标题和文本被捆绑在一起太紧:

 johanneslindner_0 - 16673775833352 .png






  • 用户名空格
  • 上边框下方更多空格
  • 日期字体颜色
星期三,2022年11月2日08:31:23 GMT //www.gamepadva.com/t5/community-ideas/increase-the-space-for-user-names-in-ideas/idi-p/1227807 JohannesLindner 2022 - 11 - 02 - t08:31:23z
在社区feed中保持超过2周的通知 //www.gamepadva.com/t5/community-ideas/keep-more-than-2-weeks-of-notifications-in/idi-p/1206206




如果能存储更多的通知将会很有帮助。例如,我已经离开办公室两个多星期了。所以超过两周的通知都丢失了。< / P >

I'm aware that some of the notifications might have been sent to me via email. That helps in some cases, but is not a complete picture.

周四,2022年8月25日04:21:49 GMT时间 //www.gamepadva.com/t5/community-ideas/keep-more-than-2-weeks-of-notifications-in/idi-p/1206206 2022 - 08 - 25 - t04:21:49z
在“我的订阅”及“书签”内搜寻 //www.gamepadva.com/t5/community-ideas/search-in-quot-my-subscriptions-quot-and-quot/idi-p/1205282

如果你能在搜索栏中添加一个选择器来搜索“我的订阅&通知”(→“我的订阅”和“书签”)!< / P >



I have 130+ Subscriptions and Bookmarks and is hard to find a specific item at them moment when I look for it.

2022年8月23日星期二11:10:36 //www.gamepadva.com/t5/community-ideas/search-in-quot-my-subscriptions-quot-and-quot/idi-p/1205282 SimonSchutte_ct 2022 - 08 - 23 - t11:10:36z
在通知提要中显示文章的完整标题 //www.gamepadva.com/t5/community-ideas/display-post-s-full-title-in-notifications-feed/idi-p/1191063



否则,我们需要费力地打开每个帖子来查看它们是关于什么的,这在一定程度上破坏了提要的目的。如果我能看到完整的标题,那么我就会知道它是否与我相关。< / P >

As a workaround, I checked if there was a tooltip with the full title, but there isn't a tooltip.

2022年7月9日星期六00:40:47 //www.gamepadva.com/t5/community-ideas/display-post-s-full-title-in-notifications-feed/idi-p/1191063 2022 - 07 - 09 - t00:40:47z
不要警告我HTML的问题,只要提交帖子 //www.gamepadva.com/t5/community-ideas/don-t-warn-me-of-issues-with-html-just-submit-the/idi-p/1190973

如果我在一个帖子中使用了系统不喜欢的内容,例如从Stack Overflow中粘贴内容:

Hello world!





在过去,我已经失去了帖子/评论,因为那个怪癖。我没有注意,没有意识到帖子没有提交,所以我离开了页面,以为一切都很好。与此同时,有一个我不认为需要处理的信息。< / P >

  • Often that message is in plain sight -- a big red box -- so that's good. But I think there are cases where it's not in plain sight. Maybe for comments...the page scrolls away from the warning. I can't remember exactly, but I think it does happen.


When I do notice that message, I always just hit proceed anyway, without thinking twice. So to me, that step doesn't really have value. Regardless, whatever HTML changes have been made...aren't visible in the result...you can't see/notice what changed. So it's not a very useful step.

Idea: Could the "do you want to proceed" step just be eliminated? 

That would be a lot more convenient and avoid me accidently not submitting posts.

周五,2022年7月8日20:53:41 GMT //www.gamepadva.com/t5/community-ideas/don-t-warn-me-of-issues-with-html-just-submit-the/idi-p/1190973 2022 - 07 - 08 - t20:53:41z
在用户资料页面上放一个搜索栏来搜索我的帖子 //www.gamepadva.com/t5/community-ideas/put-a-search-bar-right-in-the-user-profile-page-to/idi-p/1184099 如果在我的Esri社区用户简介页面中有一个搜索栏,那将是很有帮助的。亚博agappyabo11.vip这样我就可以很容易地搜索我写过的帖子(想法和问题)。< / P >

I know there are a few indirect ways to get to a search page like that. But I think it involves navigating away from my profile page. To me, it would make more sense to have a search bar right in my profile.


2022年6月18日星期六04:20:38 //www.gamepadva.com/t5/community-ideas/put-a-search-bar-right-in-the-user-profile-page-to/idi-p/1184099 2022 - 06 - 18岁t04:20:38z
不要发这样的邮件:“你得到你需要的答复了吗?”(如果唯一的回复是我) //www.gamepadva.com/t5/community-ideas/don-t-send-email-quot-did-you-get-the-answer-you/idi-p/1174157


< img src = " //www.gamepadva.com/t5/image/serverpage/image-id/41417i962400665183426F/image-size/medium?v=v2& px = 400”角色=”按钮“title =“bud_0 - 1652708554834. png”alt = " bud_0 - 1652708554834. png " / > < / span > < / P > < P > (< A href = " //www.gamepadva.com/t5/arcgis-pro-questions/arcgis-pro-crashes-when-copying-oracle-view-to/td-p/1172078 " target = " _self”> ArcGIS Pro崩溃时复制甲骨文视图FGDB < / >) < / P > < P >这样的消息是有道理的,如果从别人回答。但如果唯一的回复来自我,那么我不需要提醒。< / P >

The reason I might reply to my own post is: The original post is already quite long...too long to include additional technical details. So I add the details as a separate comment instead.
I know that's not the only scenario where people reply to their own posts (people might answer their own questions). But I think it's a common enough scenario that it should be accounted for.

Could Esri consider changing how those notifications work — so that they're only sent if someone other than the OP replied to the post?


2022年5月25日星期三16:18:46 GMT //www.gamepadva.com/t5/community-ideas/don-t-send-email-quot-did-you-get-the-answer-you/idi-p/1174157 2022 - 05 - 25 - t16:18:46z
删除错误的想法 //www.gamepadva.com/t5/community-ideas/delete-an-idea-that-was-made-in-error/idi-p/1163830 如果一个想法是错误的,那么如果用户可以删除它将是有帮助的。< / P >

Is there a reason why users can’t delete their own post in that scenario? (Similar to what we can do with forum posts.)

星期五,2022年4月22日00:33:27格林尼治时间 //www.gamepadva.com/t5/community-ideas/delete-an-idea-that-was-made-in-error/idi-p/1163830 2022 - 04 - 22 - t00:33:27z
将代码粘贴为预格式化文本时,保留缩进 //www.gamepadva.com/t5/community-ideas/preserve-indents-when-pasting-code-as-preformatted/idi-p/1160241 有时我们想使用预格式化文本而不是代码块:

  • 我们可以格式化预格式化文本,不像代码块。
  • 代码块使用笨拙(额外的换行,尝试编辑时笨拙的单击)。

话虽如此,预格式化文本存在问题。当我从IDE(如SQL Developer)复制代码时,缩进被剥离:


返回圆(根号((x2 - x1) * (x2 - x1) + (y2 - y1) * (y2 - y1)), 2);——Power is a slow function

function m_as_length(shape in sde.st_geometry) return varchar2
result varchar2(32767);
vertex_set varchar2(32767);
oldX number;
oldY number;
newX number;
newY number;
line_len number:= 0;
for vPartIndex in 1..sde.st_geometry_operator .st_numgeometries_f(shape)
vertex_set:= null;
for vPointIndex in1..sde.st_geometry_operators.st_numpoints_f(sde.st_geometry_operators. st_geometry_operators (shape,vPartIndex))
newX:= sde.st_geometry_operators.st_pointn_f(sde.st_geometry_operators.st_pointn_f(shape,vPartIndex),vPointIndex);
if vPointIndex <>1 then
line_len:= line_len + pythagoras(oldX, oldY, newX, newY);
end if;
oldX:= newX;
vertex_set:= vertex_set || newX || ' ' | b| newY || ' ' || line_len || ', ';
end loop;
result:= result || '(' || rtrim((vertex_set),',
返回'MULTILINESTRING M (' || rtrim((result),',') || ')';

(这发生了,即使缩进是文字空格 在SQL Developer,

这不是我们想要的。举个例子,如果我是复制我的代码(比如堆栈溢出)的其他地方,然后粘贴从S.O.预格式化的文本,然后缩进将保存:< / P > < >之前——//www.gamepadva.com/t5/arcgis-enterprise-questions/pl-sql-code-review-set-polyline-m-values-to/td-p/1159398函数毕达哥拉斯(人数数量x1, y1, x2的数量,数量y2)返回数字开始返回圆(I - ((x2 - x1) * (x2 - x1) + (y2 - y1) * (y2 - y1)), 2);——权力是一个缓慢的功能端;函数m_as_length(形状在sde.st_geometry)返回varchar2结果varchar2(32767); vertex_set varchar2(32767); oldX number; oldY number; newX number; newY number; line_len number := 0; begin for vPartIndex in 1..sde.st_geometry_operators.st_numgeometries_f(shape) loop vertex_set := null; for vPointIndex in 1..sde.st_geometry_operators.st_numpoints_f(sde.st_geometry_operators.ST_GeometryN_f(shape,vPartIndex)) loop newX := sde.st_geometry_operators.st_x_f(sde.st_geometry_operators.st_pointn_f(sde.st_geometry_operators.st_geometryn_f(shape,vPartIndex),vPointIndex)); newY := sde.st_geometry_operators.st_y_f(sde.st_geometry_operators.st_pointn_f(sde.st_geometry_operators.st_geometryn_f(shape,vPartIndex),vPointIndex)); if vPointIndex <> 1 then line_len := line_len + pythagoras(oldX, oldY, newX, newY); end if; oldX := newX; oldY := newY; vertex_set := vertex_set || newX || ' ' || newY || ' ' || line_len || ', '; end loop; result := result || '(' || rtrim((vertex_set),', ') || '),'; end loop; return 'MULTILINESTRING M (' || rtrim((result),',') || ')'; end; select m_as_length(shape) from polyline

So, we can see that the preformatted text is capable of handling pasted indents, in some cases.


Could preformatted text be enhanced so that pasted indents are always preserved?
(even when pasting from IDEs like SQL Developer)

星期五,2022年4月1日14:50:27格林尼治时间 //www.gamepadva.com/t5/community-ideas/preserve-indents-when-pasting-code-as-preformatted/idi-p/1160241 2022 - 04 - 01 - t14:50:27z
根据地位来过滤我的想法 //www.gamepadva.com/t5/community-ideas/filter-my-ideas-by-status/idi-p/1158768 如果有一种方法可以通过状态来过滤我自己的想法,那将会很有帮助。< / P >

It’s possible do that with other vendor’s ideas portals. It’s really handy (see the filters on the left):


Could Esri consider doing something similar?

周二,2022年3月29日13:01:27 GMT //www.gamepadva.com/t5/community-ideas/filter-my-ideas-by-status/idi-p/1158768 2022 - 03 - 29 - t13:01:27z
代码块:在编辑文章后,代码块周围会添加换行符(意外) //www.gamepadva.com/t5/community-ideas/code-blocks-after-editing-the-post-line-breaks-get/idi-p/1155777



console(“Hello World”)


编辑后,将自动添加前后 代码块




console(“Hello World”)






控制台(“Hello World”)

我们可以编辑后-额外的空间不会被添加在 预格式化文本(这是好的)。



  星期一,2022年3月21日16:09:44格林尼治时间 //www.gamepadva.com/t5/community-ideas/code-blocks-after-editing-the-post-line-breaks-get/idi-p/1155777 2022 - 03 - 21 - t16:09:44z 在ArcGIS Pro Ideas社区中添加街机标签 //www.gamepadva.com/t5/community-ideas/add-a-arcade-label-to-the-arcgis-pro-ideas/idi-p/1148829

是否应该将街机标签添加到< a href="//www.gamepadva.com/t5/arcgis-pro-ideas/idb-p/arcgis-pro-ideas" target="_self">ArcGIS Pro Ideas社区?< / P >

Otherwise, there doesn't seem to be a good category to label Arcade ideas with.

Example: Midpoint() Arcade function

星期二,2022年3月1日15:05:36 //www.gamepadva.com/t5/community-ideas/add-a-arcade-label-to-the-arcgis-pro-ideas/idi-p/1148829 2022 - 03 - 01 - t15:05:36z
当将重复的想法转换为注释时:指出注释最初是一个想法 //www.gamepadva.com/t5/community-ideas/when-converting-a-duplicate-idea-to-a-comment/idi-p/1148231


由想法转换而来的注释经常显得莫名其妙。据我所知,没有办法证明它们最初是想法。示例: //www.gamepadva.com/t5/arcgis-pro-ideas/calculating-the-x-and-y-coordinate-automatically/idc-p/940925/highlight/true#M15674 那个观点没有任何背景。所以之前发表评论的人很困惑,因为他们已经在之前的评论中解决了这个问题。< / P >

If some background info were added as a auto-generated header, explaining where the comment came from, then that would avoid confusion.


星期三,2022年4月13日12:11:21 GMT //www.gamepadva.com/t5/community-ideas/when-converting-a-duplicate-idea-to-a-comment/idi-p/1148231 2022 - 04 - 13 - t12:11:21z
竞选和选举的新社区 //www.gamepadva.com/t5/community-ideas/a-new-community-for-campaigns-and-elections/idi-p/1147501 为了有效地协助政治活动,选民的位置数据、人口统计数据和心理数据越来越重要。这似乎与ESRI的产品套件完美契合。工作流总是需要使用来自联邦选举委员会(Federal Election Commission)等来源的各种数据库。使用ArcGIS Pro, ArcGIS Online,以及目前在州和国家层面的重新划分地图将使数据变得真实。一个新的战役&选举社区将允许政治顾问分享关于使用各种ESRI产品的最佳实践、挑战和成功的想法,并可以帮助国内和国际上的顾问 周四,2022年2月24日14:00:20 GMT //www.gamepadva.com/t5/community-ideas/a-new-community-for-campaigns-and-elections/idi-p/1147501 JimWooten 2022 - 02 - 24 t14:00:20z 修复排序和过滤的想法 //www.gamepadva.com/t5/community-ideas/fix-sorting-amp-filtering-ideas/idi-p/1147073 < P >见下文。当显示具有特定状态的想法并按Top或Hot ideas排序时,将显示具有其他状态的想法。在下面的例子中,我已经选择了“正在考虑”的想法,但正在开放,关闭等想法。它似乎也没有显示“顶级创意”。'


  2022年2月23日星期三17:17:21 GMT //www.gamepadva.com/t5/community-ideas/fix-sorting-amp-filtering-ideas/idi-p/1147073 rburke 2022 - 02年- 23 - t17:17:21z 在ArcGIS社区帖子中支持内联代码片段 //www.gamepadva.com/t5/community-ideas/support-inline-code-snippets-in-arcgis-community/idi-p/1146808 如果ArcGIS社区帖子能够支持内联代码片段,那将是很有帮助的。< / P >



While we can change the font of in-line text: for point in part:, it would be better if we could also change the background color to grey, etc.

That would make it a lot easier to read text that has inline code.



星期三,2022年2月23日01:07:54 GMT //www.gamepadva.com/t5/community-ideas/support-inline-code-snippets-in-arcgis-community/idi-p/1146808 2022 - 02年- 23 - t01:07:54z
简化产品搜索 //www.gamepadva.com/t5/community-ideas/simplify-the-product-search/idi-p/1141418


而不是ArcGIS Aviation,如果只是Aviation

和Dashboards, City Engine等等等等等等


星期一,2022年2月7日23:03:27格林尼治标准时间 //www.gamepadva.com/t5/community-ideas/simplify-the-product-search/idi-p/1141418 DanPatterson 2022 - 02 - 07 - t23:03:27z