ArcGIS Dashboards Questions主题 // ArcGIS Dashboards Questions主题 2023年3月4日星期六19:44:13 GMT arcgis-dashboards-questions 2023 - 03 - 04 - t19:44:13z 自定义展开按钮 // 是否有任何方法使元素的展开按钮更大或更明显的某种方式?在默认情况下,查看者很难找到它的方式,特别是如果他们不熟悉仪表板 星期五,3月2023日15:19:46格林尼治标准时间 // dju_ojeda 2023 - 03 - 03 - t15:19:46z 堆叠组件的非活动选项卡颜色 // 我们可以在仪表板中编辑堆叠组件的非活动选项卡的背景和文本颜色吗?< / P >

For example, "Upcoming Treatments" below:


I've checked the dashboard editor, advanced formatting, and the item's content JSON but it doesn't seem that Arcade exposes those attributes to control the inactive tab format.



周五,2023年3月3日14:42:57 GMT // AlexanderSt__John 2023 - 03 - 03 - t14:42:57z
交互式序列图 //

当选择不同的层时,您将如何使串行图表发生变化;就像当一个图层被选中时,地图和图例会发生变化一样 周四,2023年3月2日10:04:54 GMT // 偏航 2023 - 03 - 02 - t10:04:54z 时间序列-具有单一变量的多个站点-堆叠序列图 //

使用Enterprise v11仪表盘。我有水采样数据,我想创建一个串行图表,用户可以选择2个或更多的站,然后选择一个分析物,如pH值,并有折线图显示这2个(或更多)站的pH值。我可以得到一个没有问题,但不知道如何显示更多。

  星期三,2023年3月1日18:45:03 GMT // BobWheeler 2023 - 03 - 01 - t18:45:03z 查看仪表板时选择器不工作 //



谢谢!乔< / P > < P > < / P > 星期三,2023年3月1日15:26:51 GMT // JosephHilliard94 2023 - 03 - 01 - t15:26:51z 基于登录对数据和图表进行筛选 //





星期三,2023年3月1日07:56:47格林尼治时间 // MuhammadNaufalIhsan 2023 - 03 - 01 - t07:56:47z
街机数据表达-过滤两层之前合并成一个单一的特征集 // < P >你好!< / P >

I am trying to filter two separate datasets before combining them into a single FeatureSet to be used in a dashboard but I am cannot seem to figure out how to filter these items correctly. I am able to filter these items in Insights and Pro but I don't seem to get the syntax right in arcade.

Below are two images from Insights with the correct Advanced Filters:

Prelim Advanced Filter.PNG

Siteplan - Advanced Filter.PNG


Any idea how to filter my datasets according to this query before I merge them together? Below is my current arcade script for combining these datasets.

var PrelimPlans = FeatureSetByPortalItem(Portal(''),'2a7c6c6f86b14253b1ecf079e3f4e6dd',1,['*'],false); var SitePlan = FeatureSetByPortalItem(Portal(''),'33c2a66277c34153907ba5d14484a24b',3,['*'],false); var combinedDict = { 'fields': [ {name: "APNO", type:"esriFieldTypeString" }, {name: "PROJNAME", type: "esriFieldTypeString" }, {name: "LOC", type: "esriFieldTypeString" }, {name: "CBPTEAM", type: "esriFieldTypeString" }, {name: "PBDATE", type: "esriFieldTypeDate" }, {name: "PENDING", type: "esriFieldTypeString" }, {name: "DECISIONTYPE", type: "esriFieldTypeString" }, {name: "STANDALONE", type: "esriFieldTypeString" }, {name: "APPR_DU_TOT", type: "esriFieldTypeDouble" }, {name: "APPR_DU_SF", type: "esriFieldTypeDouble" }, {name: "APPR_DU_MF", type: "esriFieldTypeDouble" }, {name: "APPR_SQFT_TOT", type: "esriFieldTypeDouble" }, {name: "APPR_SQFT_OFF", type: "esriFieldTypeDouble" }, {name: "APPR_SQFT_RET", type: "esriFieldTypeDouble" }, {name: "APPR_SQFT_IND", type: "esriFieldTypeDouble" }, {name: "APPR_SQFT_OTH", type: "esriFieldTypeDouble" }, ], geometryType: "", features: [], }; var i = 0; // Loop through each FeatureSet and store its attributes for (var t in PrelimPlans) { combinedDict.features[i++] = { attributes: { APNO: t["APNO"], PROJNAME: t["PROJNAME"], CBPTEAM: t["CBPTEAM"], PBDATE: Number(t["PBDATE"]), PENDING: t["PENDING"], DECISIONTYPE: t["DECISIONTYPE"], APPR_DU_TOT: t["APPR_DU_TOT"], APPR_DU_SF: t["APPR_DU_SF"], APPR_DU_MF: t["APPR_DU_MF"], APPR_SQFT_TOT: t["APPR_SQFT_TOT"], APPR_SQFT_OFF: t["APPR_SQFT_OFF"], APPR_SQFT_RET: t["APPR_SQFT_RET"], APPR_SQFT_IND: t["APPR_SQFT_IND"], APPR_SQFT_OTH: t["APPR_SQFT_OTH"], }, }; } for (var m in SitePlan) { combinedDict.features[i++] = { attributes: { APNO: m["APNO"], PROJNAME: m["PROJNAME"], CBPTEAM: m["CBPTEAM"], PBDATE: Number(m["PBDATE"]), PENDING: m["PENDING"], DECISIONTYPE: m["DECISIONTYPE"], STANDALONE: m["STANDALONE"], APPR_DU_TOT: m["APPR_DU_TOT"], APPR_DU_SF: m["APPR_DU_SF"], APPR_DU_MF: m["APPR_DU_MF"], APPR_SQFT_TOT: m["APPR_SQFT_TOT"], APPR_SQFT_OFF: m["APPR_SQFT_OFF"], APPR_SQFT_RET: m["APPR_SQFT_RET"], APPR_SQFT_IND: m["APPR_SQFT_IND"], APPR_SQFT_OTH: m["APPR_SQFT_OTH"], }, }; } return FeatureSet(Text(combinedDict))

Any help would be greatly appreciated!

All the best,


周二,2023年2月28日21:26:11 GMT // C_McNamara 2023 - 02 - 28 - t21:26:11z
街机数据表达-“无法执行脚本” // < P >你好!< / P >

I am new to using arcade in dashboards and, hopefully, am making a simple mistake. I am trying to create an indicator from 2 different services (sum of Approved Dwelling Units). I am returning the correct value in the "Edit data expression" page but when I click done I am unable to use the expression - Esri says "Unable to execute script". 

This is what my code currently looks like. This is my first time calculating values with different layers using FeatureSetByPortalItem



var PrelimPlans = FeatureSetByPortalItem(




  ['Name', 'APPR_DU_TOT', 'Count'],





var PrelimDUTOT = Sum(PrelimPlans,'APPR_DU_TOT');

//Return PrelimDUTOT


var SitePlan = FeatureSetByPortalItem(




  ['Name', 'APPR_DU_TOT', 'Count'],





var SitePlanDUTOT = Sum(SitePlan,'APPR_DU_TOT');

//Return SitePlanDUTOT


var CombinedDwellingUnits = PrelimDUTOT + SitePlanDUTOT;

Return CombinedDwellingUnits



Any help would be greatly appreciated!


All the best,


周二,2023年2月28日15:05:01 GMT // C_McNamara 2023 - 02 - 28 - t15:05:01z
使用街机将文本转换为数字,并在ArcGIS仪表板中获得平均值 // < P >你好!我有一个培训评估调查表,得到反馈并返回5、4、3、2、1。对于他们需要评价的每一个项目,Survey123都会返回字符串(文本格式为5,4,3,2,1)。我需要把它转换成数字,这样我就可以得到每个项目的平均值,然后得到每个类别的平均值。谢谢你!< / P > 周二,2023年2月28日10:28:37 GMT // GeodataSystems 2023 - 02 - 28 - t10:28:37z 地图元素设置一直崩溃 //


我正在尝试在ArcGIS仪表板中的地图元素中进行一些编辑。由于某种原因,它总是崩溃。有人能帮忙吗?Appreciated  < / P > 周二,2023年2月28日02:49:22 GMT // SRSSpatial 2023 - 02 - 28 - t02:49:22z 在ArcGIS仪表板中创建按顺序编号的列表 //



  1. W Broad St和Front: 100总碰撞
  2. Parsons Ave和E Livingston Ave: 80总碰撞
  3. N High St和5th Ave:35总撞车



  1. S High St和Williams Rd: 8自行车碰撞
  2. Parsons Ave和Whittier Ave:5自行车涉及碰撞
  3. E Broad St and S James Rd: 3自行车涉及碰撞

我知道在ArcGIS Pro中,您可以按顺序为表编号,但通常是基于对象ID. 如果你过滤任何其他字段,它不会更新编号。从我所看到的到目前为止,我不认为这是可能的,但我认为我会在这里接触,看看是否有更多经验使用街机表达式的人可能知道如何在我的仪表板中实现这一点 2023年2月27日星期一13:13:51格林尼治标准时间 // Bec 2023 - 02年- 27 - t13:13:51z 如何更改仪表板搜索结果标记的颜色 // < P >你好!,< / P > < DIV class = " " > < DIV class = " " > < DIV class = " " > < DIV >类< SPAN = " " > <跨类= " " > < / SPAN > < / SPAN >类< SPAN = " " > <跨类= " " >,< / SPAN > < / SPAN >类< SPAN = " " >谁类< SPAN = " " > < / SPAN > < / SPAN >类< SPAN = " " > <跨类= " " > < / SPAN > < / SPAN >类< SPAN = " " > <跨类= " " >知道< / SPAN > < / SPAN >类< SPAN = " " >如何类< SPAN = " " > < / SPAN > < / SPAN >类< SPAN = " " > <跨类= " " > < / SPAN > < / SPAN >类< SPAN = " " >改变类< SPAN = " " > < / SPAN > < / SPAN >类< SPAN = " " > <类= " " > < / SPAN > < / SPAN >类< SPAN = " " >颜色类< SPAN = " " > < / SPAN > < / SPAN >类< SPAN = " " >的<跨类= " " > < / SPAN > < / SPAN >类< SPAN = " " >类< SPAN = " " > < / SPAN > < / SPAN >类< SPAN = " " >搜索类< SPAN = " " > < / SPAN > < / SPAN >类< SPAN = " " >结果类< SPAN = " " > < / SPAN > < / SPAN >类< SPAN = " " >点类< SPAN = " " > < / SPAN > < / SPAN >类< SPAN = " " > <跨类= " " > < / SPAN > < / SPAN >类< SPAN = " " > <跨类= " " > < / SPAN > < / SPAN >类< SPAN = " " > web地图类< SPAN = " " > < / SPAN > < / SPAN >类< SPAN = " " > < SPAN = " " >类。< / SPAN > < / SPAN >类< SPAN = " " > <跨类= " " > < / SPAN > < / SPAN >类< SPAN = " " > <跨类= " " > < / SPAN > < / SPAN >类< SPAN = " " >类< SPAN = " " >超级< / SPAN > < / SPAN >类< SPAN = " " >小类< SPAN = " " > < / SPAN > < / SPAN >类< SPAN = " " >类< SPAN = " " >和< / SPAN > < / SPAN >类< SPAN = " " >类< SPAN = " " > < / SPAN > < / SPAN >类< SPAN = " " >灰色类< SPAN = " " > < / SPAN > < / SPAN >类< SPAN = " " >颜色类< SPAN = " " > < / SPAN > < / SPAN >类< SPAN = " " >类< SPAN = " " >, < / SPAN > < / SPAN >类< SPAN = " " >不类< SPAN = " " > < / SPAN > < / SPAN >work well with a dark basemap. It seems that the settings are hard coded and is not a simple configurable setting.

Se the small grey dot in the middle of the map. 


星期一,2023年2月27日11:00:27格林尼治时间 // EmanuelBurman 2023 - 02年- 27 - t11:00:27z
在一个饼图中显示两个字段的值 //


我有一个数据集,有两个字段,'FD completed '和'Secondary Accomplished'。两个区域使用相同的域,因此每个区域只有5个可能的值:场地修剪,种植,间伐,球果收集。我希望将字段分组在一起,以便两个字段的值都可见,并显示两个字段的每个值的总和。

我使用了'类别从字段选项',我只能看到来自两个字段的统计数据: sarahedrick3_3 -1677271700937.png


这是可能的吗 2023年2月24日星期五20:52:44 GMT // SaraHedrick1 2023 - 02 - 24 t20:52:44z 仪表盘今天突然不工作了 //

我有两个仪表盘,以前工作得很好,今天突然不工作了。我在仪表板的一些元素中看到了“对一个或多个元素要求选择”。当我检查这些元素背后的数据表达式时,很明显是一些错误的或旧的数据表达式。但是我的仪表盘上修改的日期是去年。而且,当我点击某些元素的“配置”时,我的浏览器会冻结。我想知道发生了什么事。这是因为ESRI在ArcGIS仪表盘上的一些更新吗?< / SPAN > < / P > 星期五,2023年2月24日08:05:02 GMT // WPG03WPG03 2023 - 02 - 24 t08:05:02z 多系列组值图-数据表达式 //







星期三,2023年2月22日22:04:10 GMT // DonovanC 2023 - 02年- 22 - t22:04:10z
日期数据表达式 //


连接到我的仪表板的数据是一个具有开始和结束日期的建筑项目列表。< / P >

I am trying to write a data expression that will return a list of projects "active" on a specified date, i.e., projects in which the specified date is on or after the project start date and before the project end date.

Can anyone point me in the right direction? I am new to scripting.

Thank you! 

2023年2月22日星期三19:21:11 GMT // mshanaghan 2023 - 02年- 22 - t19:21:11z
服务线自我评估-客户特征服务(托管,视图)在web地图中不显示记录 //

你好,我正在使用服务线自我评估_客户功能服务(托管,视图)。我有两个测试记录收集使用Survey123从解决方案。当我在地图查看器中打开这个服务时,在服务表中还没有观察到两条记录。我在浏览这个服务时遗漏了什么或者做错了什么,阻止了我在网络地图上看到这些点?谢谢,杰< / P > 2023年2月22日星期三18:55:28 GMT // JayHodny 2023 - 02年- 22 - t18:55:28z 服务线自我评估仪表板-当前提交列表元素中的街机错误 // < P >嗨。我正在使用服务线自我评估仪表板,在当前提交列表元素中得到了一个Arcade错误。我有两个测试记录收集使用Survey123应用程序从解决方案。当我第一次打开仪表板时,List元素不会显示任何记录,而旋转图标只是旋转。我进入配置面板,重新选择了Service Line self - assessment_views层。这两条记录随后出现在列表中,但都有这些错误消息(如下所示)。在Survey123 web应用程序中,每个记录(1和2)都有一个ObjectID。在列表配置面板中,在高级格式选项卡中有一些Arcade脚本,但我不知道在这里做什么,如果有的话。任何帮助都将不胜感激。尊敬的Jay




  2023年2月22日星期三18:51:32 GMT // JayHodny 2023 - 02年- 22 - t18:51:32z 是否可以更改Follow Feature符号? // 在仪表板中,当你在列表或类别选择器中选择一个功能时,有一个跟随功能的选项。我很喜欢这个,因为它在有问题的功能周围显示了一个连续的环,而不像flash那样消失。




星期三,2023年2月22日15:05:02 GMT // Savannah2019 2023 - 02年- 22 - t15:05:02z
街机数据表达式与日期列不工作 //

我很好奇,如果有人有问题,在仪表板中为Arcade创建返回日期列的数据表达式?< / P >

I've noticed that if I include a date column in the FeatureSet I'm returning at the end of the script, the output contains no rows.  Based on my testing I believe this is a bug in the FeatureSet() function if the dictionary you pass to it contains a date column.  But since Arcade is pretty new to me maybe I'm doing something wrong

As an example, I put two samples below of the same code based on a public facing AGOL hosted feature layer.  The first sample has the date column removed so you can see it does return data.  The second sample the only difference is the date column is included, but you'll notice if you run it the results are blank.  I tried this with two AGOL feature layers, so it doesn't seem to be a fluke with just one layer.

I'm trying to follow along on the GitHub example on how to join tabular data to one of my layers and returns a feature set (Link).  Ultimately I want to slice and dice the layer in Arcade, but for this forum question I kept the script simple to show the issue.

Here's sample script 1 with the date column commented out.  If you run in the Arcade playground you will se it returns data.

var portal = Portal(""); var features = []; var feat; //Define input layer to read var fs = FeatureSetByPortalItem( portal, "a400f4711f9443a9855340ee7b66890a", 0, ['DRAINAGE_ID','LOCATION','FME_DATE'], false ); //Loop over each hosted layer feature //, pass subset of attribute values to the feat variable //, then Push the feat object into the feature dictionary for (var f in fs) { feat = { attributes: { DRAINAGE_ID: f["DRAINAGE_ID"], LOCATION: f["LOCATION"], //FME_DATE: f["FME_DATE"], } } Push(features,feat) } //Define schema for output dictionary //and pass in the dictionary of output features var joinedDict = { fields: [ {name: "DRAINAGE_ID", type: "esriFieldTypeInteger"}, {name: "LOCATION", type: "esriFieldTypeString"}, //{name: "FME_DATE", type: "esriFieldTypeDate"} ], 'geometryType': '', 'features':features }; return FeatureSet(Text(joinedDict));


Here is sample 2 that includes the date column, but when you run it the results will be blank

var portal = Portal(""); var features = []; var feat; //Define input layer to read var fs = FeatureSetByPortalItem( portal, "a400f4711f9443a9855340ee7b66890a", 0, ['DRAINAGE_ID','LOCATION','FME_DATE'], false ); //Loop over each hosted layer feature //, pass subset of attribute values to the feat variable //, then Push the feat object into the feature dictionary for (var f in fs) { feat = { attributes: { DRAINAGE_ID: f["DRAINAGE_ID"], LOCATION: f["LOCATION"], FME_DATE: f["FME_DATE"], } } Push(features,feat) } //Define schema for output dictionary //and pass in the dictionary of output features var joinedDict = { fields: [ {name: "DRAINAGE_ID", type: "esriFieldTypeInteger"}, {name: "LOCATION", type: "esriFieldTypeString"}, {name: "FME_DATE", type: "esriFieldTypeDate"} ], 'geometryType': '', 'features':features }; return FeatureSet(Text(joinedDict)); //If you instead return just the Text(joinedDict) you will see that the data looks valid //, so it's just way the FeatureSet() function is transforming the data that seems to cause blank results //return Text(joinedDict)


星期三,2023年2月22日14:59:13 GMT // AndrewRudin1 2023 - 02年- 22 - t14:59:13z